Monday, September 3, 2012

33 weeks... wow!

I want to apologize again for not blogging in soooo long. I really had forgotten about it until a friend mentioned it to me Saturday while taking our maternity pictures! We are at 33 weeks!!! Oh my gosh can you believe it?!?! Only 7 weeks to go (maybe) and I absolutely can not wait! I don't think I'm going to make it to 40 weeks, I don't know why I just have a suspicion that Baby Soybean will be making his/ her grand appearance a little earlier than 40 weeks. Time will tell though.

So to catch everyone up on what's been going on these past weeks. I've been getting much, much bigger for one, and with that has come some ailments of which I wasn't really expecting. The big one just being overall discomfort. As your belly grows your center of gravity changes and shifts so walking turns more into waddling and waddling is not good for your hips or back. I've been going to a chiropractor every two weeks to put me back in line which helps a lot! Every time I go see her my hips are way out from where they are supposed to be and as soon as they are set back it feels like I can walk again. I have woken up with terrible hip and back pain from having to lay on my side plus the from the fact that my hips are out from where they should be. That's proven to be pretty uncomfortable but I've made it through so far :).
I've also noticed stretch marks forming :-(. Strangely enough they are only on my thighs and hips... which makes me wonder if they are more of a busted blood vessel from the extra weight rather than from actually stretching. All of my pants fit exactly the same and I would think if my legs were stretching that much my pants would be way too tight. I have found one thing to be working on the stretch marks and that is Palmer's Tummy Butter. I absolutely hate the way the stuff feels on my skin, its so greasy and thick but its the only thing that seems to be making the marks go away. I hope it continues to work too because I do not like those big purple lines!

My belly isn't the only thing that's swelling! My feet and ankles are taking a beating from carrying all the weight too. My poor ankles the other day looked like the tops of muffins coming out of the top of shoes! Luckily when I get home and prop up my feet the swelling immediately starts to go down, and usually the next morning I have ankles again.

Braxton Hicks contractions!!!! Ok, so I had never heard of these until I became pregnant so let me tell any one who is unaware of what they are. Braxton Hicks contractions are contractions of the uterus that is a sort of "warming up" process for labor. A pregnant woman has Braxton Hicks her entire pregnancy but usually can not feel them until her third trimester. I started feeling them a few weeks ago and I think they are so cool! I don't think they hurt at all, its just a pressure or tightening feeling in my stomach and it gets me so excited that my body is getting ready for labor. I have heard many women say they thought Braxton Hicks hurt but so far that has not been my experience, I guess everyone is different.

As the third trimester continues I have also noticed lots and lots of hunger. I feel like I constantly eat now, which makes sense, the baby is gaining pounds now not just ounces. Luckily, and I am so proud of this, I have only gained 29 pounds so far! It looks like more because of how much my belly has grown but the scale doesn't lie :). The only thing I have been doing different than many pregnant women is eating a healthier diet. I've been trying to eat a lot more veggies and fruit when I'm hungry rather than running for the sweets. I'm hoping that the extra weight just falls off after birth, I even read you burn 1000 calories a day from breastfeeding!!! Isn't that an insane number?!?! I love how our bodies work!!

Oh my gosh how can I forget the one thing that's been driving my crazy?! The frequent trips to the bathroom. It's not a joke that pregnant women have to pee all the time. I have to pee at least every two hours, including when I'm sleeping. So, yep, you guessed it, I get up every two hours every night to go to the bathroom. Maybe that too is our body's way to prepare us for when the baby is here and wants to eat every two hours. Again, pretty cool but super annoying sometimes.

I'll end this blog post on a cute note. Baby soybean has been getting the hiccups... constantly. If I had the hiccups that much it would drive me nuts but the baby seems to be fine with them. It makes me smile when I feel them because I imagine baby hiccups are absolutely adorable. There has been lots and lots of movement in my tummy and you can see it from the outside. All of a sudden a big wave goes across my belly, or a little bulge pokes out.

I'm getting so excited that we are so close to actually meeting our baby. I can't wait to experience labor and accomplish a feat that I believe to be one of the most important challenges in a woman's life. I just know the tears are going to flow when that beautiful creature inside of me is placed on my chest! :-) It's going to be absolutely incredible!

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