Tuesday, February 28, 2012

warding off morning sickness and negative comments

I have been feeling very sick pretty much every morning and I was trying to figure out a way to get rid of it. It finally came to me what it may be. Usually I take my prenatal vitamins in the morning and then I try to eat some breakfast, of course that usually means I can't get much down because I feel so queasy. I decided to try it the opposite way: eat then take my prenatal vitamins. It worked!! I had no problems this morning and didn't feel queasy at all. It must have been the vitamins hitting my empty stomach, so that one is checked off the list no more morning sickness! Other symptoms that I have had have been going to the bathroom constantly. It's not really an inconvenience yet and really it makes me get some much needed exercise by walking to the bathroom over and over. From what I've read and heard it will get worse when the baby is lying and moving around on my bladder but hey, more exercise I'll be running to the bathroom then ;). The only other symptom I can think of is breast soreness and growth. (TMI? well I promised to be honest remember??? :)) I really am going to have to buy a new bra soon because they have grown so fast, which has really shocked me! It's made me a little concerned at how much they will have grown by October... I hope I don't get the nickname Dolly :-D.

Now to move on to the other topic of the title of my post. Negative comments. It has been brought to my attention that maybe people don't fully understand why we have chosen the birthing plan that we have, and as I have learned sometimes people get very heated about my beliefs and ideas. I want to be clear because I don't want anyone to take me the wrong way. I do not have a vendetta against doctors and hospitals. I think doctors are very smart individuals and I think for the most part they are very good at their jobs. I blame most of their patients who want interventions and most have never seen a natural birth from start to finish. Part of my problem with clarity is the word natural. When I say natural I don't mean just vaginal birth. Just because you have your baby vaginally does not mean it was a natural birth. When I say natural I mean no interventions, no epidural, no pitocin, no forceps and no vacuum. I mean completely just giving birth and feeling everything and pushing on my own. I think most women are capable of handling the pushing and the labor, I do believe there are cases where a woman will need a c section but it is very difficult for me to think of a scenario where any other intervention is necessary. I say all of that to say this, these are my personal beliefs on how I think a child should be brought into the world and what I think is best for me and my baby. If you do not share these beliefs with me I have no problem with that, but please don't yell at me and try to convince me that I am wrong. I have done so much research on this subject to come to this conclusion and it is what's best for me. I'm not asking anyone to adopt my beliefs as their own so please don't expect me to adopt yours as mine. All I ask is that people research this subject on their own. You may be surprised as to what you learn and make an informed decision for yourself about what you want to do for your birthing plan.

I hope in saying all that I do not offend or upset anyone it's just something I wanted to get off my chest. I do hope that this blog gives me a chance to open up in writing and share with all of you my feelings and really show you who I am. I do hope you're enjoying reading :) Can't wait to share more of my experiences!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

6 Weeks :)

I have never started a blog before, so forgive me if it is a little rough starting. I decided to start this blog about my pregnancy in a way for me to be completely honest about the amazing state of being pregnant. I promise to not flower up anything that happens to me during these next months and also not to exaggerate. 

So, let's get started. I am 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow and just announced to the world today that we are expecting. To start out my experience I think it is important to tell you our plan for this baby. We are going to be using a midwife at a birthing center rather than a doctor in a hospital. Natural birth to me makes the most sense to bring a child into the world because it is in fact extremely natural. Women's bodies were made to give birth and, in my opinion, epidurals, inductions, and in most cases c sections are not necessary. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that doctors are in the world and there are some cases that a woman will need c section, however, in this country the last statistic taken was 38% of all births are by c section. This number is astonishing! Many women even ask for c sections because of many reasons. They don't want to endure labor, or they want their child to be born on a certain day. Inductions being given for a lot of the same reasons. I want my child to have as much "baking" time as possible. After all nobody has ever been pregnant forever eventually you will go into labor. As for the labor process, call me crazy but I am looking forward to labor. I think it will be an empowering and beautiful experience to have my child the way I was meant to. I know I can do it and it will be all around positive.

Symptoms. Ah the symptoms of pregnancy. Yes I have felt sick and queasy. I have not thrown up yet, although every morning I am certain I will have to pull over on the side of the road on the way to work to puke...but it hasn't happened yet. I've been extremely tired and gassy but for the most part I have been feeling pretty good. I look at symptoms as any symptom is a good one because I know my baby soybean is growing stronger everyday :). I am determined not to complain about symptoms. Again, don't get me wrong I don't expect to like some of the symptoms that may come but I do think all of it is completely worth it. 

I can't wait to have a belly and I definitely can't wait to share more of the experience with you!!! We won't get an ultrasound until the second trimester, because studies have shown that ultrasound waves are not good for the developing fetus. We are waiting until he or she is more developed for that :) Oh and we aren't finding out the sex until he or she is born. That part is so exciting to me :) If its a girl her name will be Timpani Jeannine (Jeannine was my mom's name she died back in 2008 and I want to honor her by naming my daughter after her) and if its a boy his name will be Onyx Geoffrey. 

I hope I can shed some positive honest light on pregnancy and I'm really looking forward to sharing!!! 
Here's to a positive pregnancy!!!!