Monday, April 30, 2012


Hi everyone!!! Remember me?!?! I'm so sorry I haven't written in so long. Truth be told I have been falling asleep right after I eat dinner and don't wake up until the next morning :).

So I have tons to say and I want to issue a warning... this post will have what some people would consider TMI or taboo. If you are one of these people that would like to remain ignorant of some the less than attractive things that pregnancy brings, or you just don't want to know that much about me please stop reading this post now. Nobody can say I didn't warn you. I told you guys I was going to be honest so honest is what I shall be.

Pregnancy brings about many changes in ones life. The first obviously being that you realize you are going to be responsible for another life in a few short months, the other changes however, most women don't talk about. I am not one of those women. I think its time that we got out of our comfort zone a little bit and talked about the things nobody tells you about pregnancy. The first being this. You sweat! I don't mean like glistening streaks running down your body like a male gym fantasy I mean you sweat!!!! Your body heat is already higher because you are pregnant and where do you think it gets the hottest??? That's right ladies, your crotch. Now, if you've been female your whole or at least most of your life (which I assume most have) you know that women's genitals have an odor. Usually, you can not smell that odor because we have good hygiene in the year 2012 and take regular showers. However, all of us ladies have worked out really hard (at some point or another) and gotten really sweaty and smelled a not so pleasant odor coming from our panties.... yep that happens in pregnancy. You end up sweating so much that you start to stink. I can only imagine that it gets worse the hotter it gets outside.

Next up on the embarrassing pregnancy symptom that nobody tells you about, also deals with the genitals. Discharge. You know the mucus you see when you're ovulating? It actually secretes more when you're pregnant and everyday rather than just a few times a month. Now I haven't had as big of a problem with this, mainly because it gets more intense later in pregnancy, but I have heard some women have to use panty liners by the end because it is so much.

One that has surprised me greatly is body hair. Everybody has body hair as much as we don't want to admit it (probably because that would mean we don't look like those hairless supermodels) but we do. Everyone has hair all over their body. It's usually fine, whitish hair that is barely visible unless you look really close. Look closely no longer. Body hair becomes much darker, and very visible. I have always had white hairs on my belly (like any other mammal) but I noticed the other day its starting to look like a monkey on there. Those hairs aren't white anymore, they are black. I don't mind, I mean there is nothing I can do about it but I know that some women would be appalled if not warned about this. Sorry ladies, its just one of those things.

Let's talk about poop for a few minutes. We all poop, I mean there's even a children's book that teaches kids this concept, but we don't like to talk about it. I would like to share my pregnancy poop quest with you, though. I have had a very strange digestive tract ever since I was in high school. I usually didn't go everyday usually every other day and a lot of times the smallest thing would give me diarrhea. When I first got pregnant, I had very loose diarrhea. It wasn't like being sick diarrhea but I knew something was off, which is one of the reasons I suspected I was pregnant. As the pregnancy has progressed so have my pooping habits. I have gone to going about every other day to every day sometimes more than once a day. It is not diarrhea anymore either it is very normal, and almost as if I really am pooping for two. I feel like pregnancy has helped my digestive tract and made it more regular and the way it should be except for going more than once a day. That could be all the food I eat though :).

Pimples. Pimples. Pimples. I felt like I was back in high school with the acne I had at the beginning of this pregnancy. My face was extremely oily, along with my hair, which caused breakouts. I really wasn't expecting this and was shocked at how many bumps I had. Now that I have made it into the second trimester my skin is evening back out and hopefully my hair will follow suit. My skin is almost completely clear now and I'm starting to get that pregnancy glow :) yay!!! :)

Now for the grand finale of the embarrassing/ TMI of the pregnancy issues... sex. Some people have different view points on sex during pregnancy. There hasn't been anything proven to harm you or the baby, the only advice doctors and midwives give is if you have any bleeding you should refrain from sexual activity. As long as that doesn't happen sex is perfectly fine... the thing they don't tell you is how difficult it can be with a belly, or if you'll even want to have sex. At the beginning of pregnancy you probably aren't going to want to do anything. You feel weird and sometimes bad and sex is not a priority in your life. I hear later like second and third trimester it becomes a huge priority for some women. I haven't made it to that point yet, I don't mind the idea of sex even though the belly can get in the way (which obviously there are ways around that I won't get crude with you guys) but for the most part its trying to get comfortable. I don't mean just comfortable for intercourse I mean just comfortable in general. I am constantly uncomfortable whether it be my hips or shoulders etc. and I am constantly trying to get in a comfortable position to sit or lay or stand and obviously that can kill the mood a bit.

So this concludes this segment on what women don't tell you about. I hope I haven't offended anyone and maybe taught you something you didn't know. I have no complaints about any of these things I just wish someone had told me so I would have known. :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Men's Underwear and Chicken Quesadillas

My mom had a saying "you know you're really pregnant when your husband's underwear fits better than your own". If that statement is true then I am SUPER pregnant! For the past 3 days I have been wearing Andy's underwear, and it fits amazing! I think he may be getting tired of it though, it is probably time for me to go buy my own new undies that fit me but they just may have to be men's.

QUESADILLAS!!!! I cannot eat enough chicken quesadillas!!!! they are so terrible for me and baby but for some reason that's what he/she wants. I like to think my child will be very exotic and like foreign things. When I first found out I was pregnant it was Chinese food everyday now it's Mexican, all foreign foods. Anyway that's the craving so far. When Andy asks what I want for dinner I just look at him like you know what I want, its what I've wanted for a week. The other crazy thing about food these past couple of days has been getting enough of it. I feel like a bottomless pit. I guess that means he/she is about to go through a growth spurt so I assume the belly will be getting much bigger soon.

My only issue this week has been getting comfortable. It seems regardless of sitting, standing or laying down I cannot find a comfortable position. So, obviously that means my sleeping hasn't been wonderful. I've been trying meditation to get to sleep and so far its worked decent on getting me to fall asleep. I'm learning to drown out the uncomfortable aches and pains and focus on relaxing... which will really come in handy in the birthing process.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Heartbeat Not My Own

So, as you probably know, I got to hear little soybean's heartbeat this past week. It was absolutely amazing. If you know me pretty well (or just read my facebook status updates) you will probably know that I don't think life begins at conception, I believe it begins at a heartbeat. So it has been confirmed in my eyes that little soybean is in fact alive.

Its very difficult to put into words what I felt when that little heart was heard on the machine. My midwife told me not to be concerned if we couldn't hear it this early but she wanted to try and see if it was there. She started wandering around on my belly with the machine and all of a sudden it was BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. I couldn't stop smiling! There it was, a tiny little heart beating away strong and loud. She said she was going to take my blood to check my levels but she wasn't concerned at all after hearing how strong that heart was. I was ecstatic! I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the afternoon. Even cuter, little soybean kept moving around so she had to chase him/her around my belly to keep listening to it's little heart.

As well as getting to hear an absolutely beautiful sound, I asked her about my vitamins. Lately the morning sickness has been all day and the vitamins have been seemingly impossible to get down. She said because they are food based they dissolve in juice. OMG what a great idea!!! So I've been crushing them up and putting them in orange juice. I seriously cannot taste them at all and it makes me feel so much better to know I'm getting the vitamins I need. She also started me on calcium, it's bone time! She said I can also put that in something like pudding. I can't taste it at all either. I will definitely remember this for future mom's to be, because it could probably help a lot of people.