Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Pretty Miserable 4 Day Weekend

So, as some know I left work Thursday around lunchtime due to increasingly strong regular contractions. We were sooo excited and ready to meet Baby Soybean! It seemed like this was it! We got home and got comfortable and waited out the contractions. I called my midwife to let her know what was going on and she said just to give her updates as we progressed. As the hours went by contractions slowly got closer together and more intense. I did eventually lose my mucus plug and had bloody show after that. Andy is an amazing coach by the way because he helped me relax and reminded me to breathe through each one. Around midnight I fell asleep on the couch only to be awakened shortly after by way more intense contractions. I told Andy I wanted to go upstairs and lay down in our bed to labor up there. So we head upstairs, lay down and for the next 2-3 hours had contractions every 3-4 minutes each one lasting a minute long. They were definitely intense but nothing I felt like I couldn't handle. I kept thinking about this big group of muscles working hard for me and each one was getting me closer to meeting our baby. Eventually around 4AM they started slacking off a bit, becoming less intense and not as close together. Andy and I both fell asleep only to be awakened by our alarm clock at 6AM. When I woke up at 6 everything felt weird about my body. I was still having contractions but they had gone back to being less intense and were irregular. I laid back down for about an hour and woke up again to contractions. At this point I was frustrated and confused. Andy said it was time to go downstairs and try to get my mind off of everything. So we came down and watched tv. Keep in mind I'm still having contractions every once in a while they gear up and are intense but then go right back to being irregular and mild. I called into work because I was still thinking ok baby could still come today because I'm still feeling these intense contractions, plus we had only had maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep total which wasn't making either of us feel great. As the morning went on I decided to call the midwife and give her an update of what was going on. She said just to rest and take it easy and try to ignore the contractions as much as possible not to dwell on them. So I did that I took a few naps and tried to ignore what was happening. By the afternoon I was feeling nauseous and had diarrhea for the rest of the day. Still irregular contractions on top of that. Yesterday same thing.... irregular contractions, nauseous and diarrhea.... today same thing irregular contractions, nauseous and diarrhea. Not to get too gross but I have gone to the bathroom so much at this point that I sit there and just have the cramps and nothing comes out. I've been trying to keep myself hydrated as much as possible because I know I need fluids. So far though, still no baby. It's been a very frustrating 4 days but there really isn't any need for concern. Lots of people have this happen they just never talk about it which is why I'm blogging about it to share it with all of you! The bright side of it all is that nobody has been pregnant forever so this will end eventually and now we've had a trial run at this and know we can do it! We're at 39 weeks and pressing forward through the frustration!!!!

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